Partner Stories
Beautiful Roses Eliminates Fuel Card Hassles with Car IQ

Beautiful Roses Eliminates Fuel Card Hassles with Car IQ

Beautiful Roses Eliminates Fuel Card Hassles with Car IQ
Car IQ Team

Car IQ Team

August 7, 2024

A flowering business trying to grow.

Based out of Vergennes, IL, Beautiful Roses is a premier wholesale and retail establishment specializing in fresh cut roses. With 40+ vehicles, they faced an endless stream of fleet payment invoices to manage, and a lean administrative and back office team to deal with them. The time-consuming tasks of accounting and reconciliation ate up precious hours. Their inefficient processes led to a lack of oversight and an upward tick in manual errors. With time and money being wasted, Beautiful Roses need to streamline their processes across the board. Car IQ was happy to help.

Switching to Car IQ benefited Beautiful Roses in more ways than one.

• 20 hour reduction in time spent on monthly fuel spend reconciliation

• 30% decrease in fuel spend compared to the same period month-over-month.

• 0 cases of fraud and friendly fraud by eliminating the fuel card

No more fuel cards. No more hassle.

Car IQ’s automated, single ledger helped Beautiful Roses quickly get a handle on their fleet expenses. The easy-touse payment portal provided a central location for all of their invoices, streamlining the clunky accounting processes. The small back office team now had 360º oversight over all the fleet’s payments, increasing efficiency and giving them invaluable insight and data to help prevent fraud and misuse. And Car IQ’s central ledger simplified back office reconciliation and virtually eliminated errors. All of this added up to more time for Beautiful Roses to get back to the business of growing their business.

The beginning of efficiency, and a beautiful partnership.

When Beautiful Roses started using Car IQ for their fleet payment management needs, the company could move past inefficiency and lack of oversight. Their back office loved Car IQ’s overhaul of their accounting and reconciliation processes, making them fast, simple and seamless.

“With Car IQ, we’ve vastly streamlined and improved our accounting processes. This fantastic tool makes it so we no longer have to spend countless hours reconciling receipts and expenses.”

—William Schemonia, CEO, Beautiful Roses

Interested? Let’s start a conversion today. 

Last updated on

August 13, 2024

Car IQ Team

Car IQ Team

August 7, 2024

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